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Keith Villanueva
UX Manager

The Method

To mitigate the effect of my own biases in strategy development, I employ the tried-and-true Double Diamond method to uncover all opportunities, and then prioritize solutions that deliver the most return on investment. Click below to explore the method for quantifying a solution's efficacy.

Double Diamond Methodology

The Toolbox

Eye Tracking

for use in

Competitive Analysis

In addition to standard comparison methods, I use eye tracking in the context of a competitive analysis to learn how users see and interact with competitors’ homepages. Here users first notice: header text, calls-to-action, icons, and faces.

Scan paths of several test subjects taking in the SAP homepage for the first time.


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

Heat Mapping & Screen Recording

for use in

Usability Assessment

To capture user behavior “in the wild,” I use Hotjar heat mapping to learn about how users interact with a clients site in its current state. Users here are not inclined to read marketing material - instead they find the pricing calculator and test out different combinations to produce different costs.


Research Distilled +

Strategy Displayed

Always based off extensive user research through moderated and unmoderated user interviews, tests, and surveys, personas combine the user’s perspective with recommendations for how and where the client strategically fits. Because users change over time, it is sometimes helpful to flesh out several stages of the same persona. The persona on the right leveraged survey data from multiple age groups to track changes and find opportunities over the lifetime of a wealth management prospect.

Test small - Test early - Test often


I am a UX Strategist who relies heavily on user research and testing to deliver effective and delightful experiences.  Designs are merely a means to express my strategies, and each one is supported by enough user data to keep them alive and well long after I have left the room.  With a combination of experiential and operational data, I marry what users say they will do with what they actually do, to develop a strategy that ties business needs to user value.



Currently Boston-based, please find my contact information below:

Email & Mobile

Tel: 774.259.0498


© C. Keith Villanueva 2020

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